We believe that persons with disabilities and their caregivers have the power to transform their lives.

They have the ability to raise their voices against inequality, discrimination and exclusion. We believe that in order to effect sustainable change, we need to work alongside the systems within communities that hold them back. TAF is changing how local organizations view and provide service to children and young people with disabilities while supporting them to access health, education and livelihood opportunities.

Who We Are

The Action Foundation is an internationally recognized, community-driven organization working to end exclusion, discrimination, and violence towards children, women, and girls with disabilities in marginalized communities. We endeavor to reach young children and girls with disabilities that are furthest left behind, work with their caregivers to help them build better lives for themselves, grow their resilience, and cultivate lasting change.

We have a vision of a fully inclusive society where children, women, and girls with disabilities can realize their maximum potential. 

Who We Are

The Action Foundation is an internationally recognized, community-driven organization working to end exclusion, discrimination, and violence towards children, women, and girls with disabilities in marginalized communities. We endeavor to reach young children and girls with disabilities that are furthest left behind, work with their caregivers to help them build better lives for themselves, grow their resilience, and cultivate lasting change.

We have a vision of a fully inclusive society where children, women, and girls with disabilities can realize their maximum potential. 

What We Believe

We believe that children, women, and girls with disabilities and their caregivers have the power to transform their lives. They have the ability to raise their voices against inequality, discrimination, and exclusion. We believe that we need to work alongside the systems within communities that hold them back to effect sustainable change.

Our values can be summarized in the acronym “EXCITED” which embodies the enthusiasm, passion, and commitment for the work we do.

What We Believe

We believe that children, women, and girls with disabilities and their caregivers have the power to transform their lives. They have the ability to raise their voices against inequality, discrimination, and exclusion. We believe that we need to work alongside the systems within communities that hold them back to effect sustainable change.

Our values can be summarized in the acronym “EXCITED” which embodies the enthusiasm, passion, and commitment for the work we do.

Our History

Our founder Maria Omare set up The Action Foundation in 2010 after interacting with children with disabilities as a volunteer at an inclusive sports event at Kenyatta University. Noting the potential, determination, and resilience that children with disabilities have despite the immense challenges they experienced, she believed that given a fair chance, they would thrive. Her volunteer experience opened her world to the realities of the lives of children with disabilities. She was inspired to be a change-maker in addressing the challenges the children and their caregivers faced.

While working in Kibera slums, Maria noted that caregivers of children with disabilities solely shouldered the heavy burden of raising their children with limited support from the community. 

Our History

Our founder Maria Omare set up The Action Foundation in 2010 after interacting with children with disabilities as a volunteer at an inclusive sports event at Kenyatta University. Noting the potential, determination, and resilience that children with disabilities have despite the immense challenges they experienced, she believed that given a fair chance, they would thrive. Her volunteer experience opened her world to the realities of the lives of children with disabilities. She was inspired to be a change-maker in addressing the challenges the children and their caregivers faced.

While working in Kibera slums, Maria noted that caregivers of children with disabilities solely shouldered the heavy burden of raising their children with limited support from the community. 

Keeping Our Communities Safe

We are committed to safeguarding the rights of people we serve

Over recent years, there has been increasing recognition of the way in which children, young people and vulnerable adults can be at risk of discrimination, neglect, abuse and exploitation by those who are in positions of trust and power over them. For children, women and girls with disabilities, these risks are even higher.

We recognize our obligation to put in place all reasonable safeguarding measures to ensure, as far as possible, the safety and protection of all children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom we work and those in the communities where TAF’s work is undertaken. We understand that we may not remove all the risks, but we must do all we can to reduce it or limit its impact.

TAF continuously works in ways which are culturally sensitive and that respect the diverse nature of the people we work with. We recognize that there are many different ways of thinking and taking care of vulnerable people and making sure they are protected. We acknowledge that protecting them can be a difficult balancing act, we are committed to upholding diversity and safeguarding the interests of the groups we serve.

You can raise a concern or make a complaint to TAF about something they have experienced or witnessed without fear of retribution.

Confidential whistleblowing lines: speakup@theactionfoundationkenya.org

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