TAF Ibuka STEM Workshop

The Action Foundation has been named one of 34 selected organizations to receive funds from the Google.org Impact Challenge for Women and Girls. The $25 million philanthropy challenge was launched in March with a challenge to the global nonprofit community to submit their boldest and most innovative ideas to create a more equitable economic reality for women and girls.

The Action Foundation (TAF) is a community-driven organization working to end exclusion, discrimination, and violence towards children, women, and girls with disabilities in marginalized communities. The funding from Google.org will provide mentorship and after-school educational Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) hubs and boot camps to girls with disabilities. TAF is one of the 9 African and Middle Eastern projects selected for this funding cohort out of nearly 8,000 applications globally. In addition to funding, TAF will participate in a four-month accelerator program led by Google’s Accelerator and Women Techmakers communities and Impact Challenge partner Vital Voices to move projects forward.

“With the help of Google.org Impact Challenge for Women & Girls, The Action Foundation will be able to support girls with disabilities to aspire to be more than what society tells them they should be,” says The Action Foundation’s founder, Maria Omare. “This capital and support come at a critical time and will be used to inspire the girls to take up STEM courses and create opportunities for them to excel in STEM careers.

“Globally, women have been nearly twice as likely to lose their jobs during COVID-19 as men.  It’s vital that we elevate and support work that empowers women and girls to reach their full economic potential, especially in marginalized communities,” says Jacquelline Fuller, President of Google.org. “The pandemic recovery must be an inclusive one, and we know that when we invest in women and girls, we all benefit.”

Google.org partnered with a women-led panel of experts, including leaders like Graca Machel and gender equity-focused organizations Vital Voices and Project Everyone to evaluate proposals based on four key criteria: innovation, impact, feasibility, and scalability. The selected nonprofits have outlined projects that will help women and girls, especially those in geographically, economically, or socially marginalized populations, reach their full economic potential.

Learn more about the Impact Challenge and the other incredible organizations that were selected at g.co/womenandgirlschallenge

Here are links to the announcement videos:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sXkTFKd8qYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SeaQRfk06k

About Google.org
Google.org, Google’s philanthropy, supports nonprofits that address humanitarian issues and apply scalable, data-driven innovation to solving the world’s biggest challenges. We accelerate their progress by connecting them with a unique blend of support that includes funding, products, and technical expertise from Google volunteers. We engage with these believers-turned-doers who make a significant impact on the communities they represent, and whose work has the potential to produce meaningful change. We want a world that works for everyone—and we believe technology and innovation can move the needle.