Teacher with children painting in a classroom

SOMESHA (Inclusive Early Childhood Education)


We enable children with disabilities access quality and inclusive education from their early years to the highest level possible.

SOMESHA (Inclusive Early Childhood Education)

We enable children with disabilities access quality and inclusive education from their early years to the highest level possible.

Our SOMESHA Program aims to enable children with disabilities access quality and inclusive education from their early years to the highest level possible. Learners with disabilities lack access to educational assessment services, and tailored learning support to enable them to benefit from education like their counterparts without disabilities. In addition, caregivers of children with disabilities are unwilling to enroll their children with disabilities since most school environments are inaccessible for children with disabilities

We strengthen the capacity of learning institutions and caregivers in marginalized communities to cater to the unique learning needs of children with disabilities in their early years. Our SOMESHA Program strives to enhance the quality of teacher preparedness, parental involvement, educational assessments, and access to digital technologies to promote inclusive education.

We partner with school leadership and management, parents’ associations, grassroots organizations, state and non-state actors in advocacy, research and program delivery in inclusive early childhood education.

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Somesha Stories

Let’s stand up for our friends, regardless of their disability.

Let’s stand up for our friends, regardless of their disability.

It’s play time just a few minutes past 4PM at St. John Primary school, located in Kibera’s Silanga village. A few boys from class 7 can be seen gathered together outside their classrooms and are playing one of the innovative games for boys their age. Dressed in their...

Let’s stand up for our friends, regardless of their disability.

Let’s stand up for our friends, regardless of their disability.

It’s play time just a few minutes past 4PM at St. John Primary school, located in Kibera’s Silanga village. A few boys from class 7 can be seen gathered together outside their classrooms and are playing one of the innovative games for boys their age. Dressed in their...

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